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Facilitating peer support
With You
Running group support sessions using video calling software
Choose the right tool. Plan the session and train facilitators. Help people get setup for an online group support session. How to adjust the session to suit participants.Parents 1st UK
Providing online guides using a networking platform
Tips on making sure any online guides you create get well used. Understand how you could use a networking platform instead of a website. Learn how Made Open's platforms work.Scope
Getting consent while using video calling software
You don't need a signature to show you have consent. How to obtain and record consent on a video call. Includes with parents and carers of people who are unable to give informed consent themselvesBarnardo's
Supporting young leaders to run online sessions using a mixed approach
Helping young people plan and deliver online sessions to their peers. Helps empower young people. Relevant for supporting any person to go from being a participant to a volunteer or paid staff member.Scope