Start using your new digital tools and have fun!
Remember that no solution will work perfectly for everyone, and people have different needs and different communication styles. Offer an alternative way for people to contribute if a tool is not accessible to them. For example, if someone is joining a session on their phone and struggling to type a comment, they could say what they want to add and someone else could type for them.
Invite feedback from your participants about what they like, what they’re less keen on, and what could work differently. And talk to your team about how they find using the different tools.
If you have analytics data you might be able to see what parts of the online programme get most engagement and attendance, and where people drop out and could feel disconnected or distracted.
Review the suite of tools you use regularly. Look out for new features, changes to subscription plans, and new digital tools and platforms that become available.
Insights into how ELP2 participants are engaging with Mighty Networks.
The UpRising team always explain how to use each new digital tool and demonstrate it to participants. They’ve also developed alternative ‘workarounds’ to offer when someone struggles to use a tool.
UpRising use their improved analytics data to help identify where they can make ELP2 more engaging and effective for their community of future environmental leaders.