This type of software is usually called online appointment scheduling. There are several brands offering software with similar functionality.
All these software options display a choice of dates and times for people to book sessions. Many also allow you to limit the times that are available for people to choose from. Some, like Calendly, connect with an individual or organisation calendar and use that to decide what dates and times to offer.
You need to think about which of these features you need. You also want to look into:
How easy it is for people to use
What information the system needs from people booking an appointment
- Where it stores this information and whether it meets your data protection requirements
How much it lets you customise how it looks.
With You were already using Calendly for some services. They decided to keep using it because it:
had already been approved by their information governance (data protection) team.
is an “off the shelf” system without development costs.
works well with Google Calendar, which they use
allowed staff to make appointments on behalf of clients using the phone as well as taking online bookings
Also, some of their staff already knew how to use it. Because of this they also knew its limitations. Calendly:
doesn’t allow you to change how it looks.
offers a way to add questions to the booking form - but not everything With You wanted.
doesn’t easily connect to client management systems. This means workers have to manually log the appointment dates on their system.
only processes bookings if the person booking has an email address. This was the biggest problem, as some service users don't use email.
couldn’t be customised to help people check they were eligible for the service they were booking with (for example, that they lived in the right location).
With You have found Calendly works well enough to be usable and deliver value. However they aim to replace it with a bespoke (developer built) system that gives them extra functionality, avoids these issues and saves them time.