List what you need your tool to be able to do. Be clear about which of these things are essential, and which are nice to have.
Make sure that your accessibility, privacy and security needs are on your list too.
Draw up a list of tools that could meet your needs.
Find out what support is provided by the companies selling the tools. Is there a help desk to help you troubleshoot if things go wrong? Is there a list of frequently asked questions on its site that cover common issues and problems?
NCVO has a guide to choosing digital tools.
Camden Giving were looking for specific things in a tool. It wanted:
functionality that met panel members’ accessibility needs
features that helped panels to make decisions, instead of reducing their autonomy by making the decision for them
a scale of voting that graded panel members’ level of support for an application, rather than a binary yes or no
the ability to tag applications. Because it was keen to see trends in how much different types of applications were supported
real time results so there was no lag slowing down the process
It also wanted a way to record trends and biases in people’s voting. For example, are young people voting for projects focused on young people? Does who’s leading the project that’s applying for funding influence decisions? Can people living in northern areas of the borough empathise with the needs of people from the south? And vice versa.
Other considerations included ease of access for panel members without an email address, internet access and a phone. Because not everyone has easy or consistent access to them.
Civic Say was built for grant-making organisations like Camden Giving. It was an existing tool that addressed a need the team had that wasn’t being met by Slido. And it had most of the features that Camden Giving was looking for.
Other features that would have been useful to Camden Giving were connecting panellists' demographic data (for example, their age and gender) with their voting history. Civic Say doesn't do this, and there aren't other voting tools that do this either.